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Aadya sneham ninnil innum


Aadya sneham ninnill innum
Undo sodaraa nee Yeshuve
Kanda naalile chudu ninnuill
Innundo sodaraa- ninachiduka

1 Enthoru sneham! Enthoru aikyatha!
Enthoru kuttayma!
Enthoru prarthana ! enthoru thaazhma!
Enthoru aavesham! – athinnum undo;-

2 Enthu vishvaasham! enthu vishuddhi!
Ethoru daivabhayam!
Enthu prathyasha enthu sahaayam!
Enthu kaarunyam! athengu poyi?

3 "ayyo, sorri, ente ponnu bradarre
Bhaynkara bisiyaane
Sandayum mandayum fraidayum ellaam
Ororo kaaryngalaa “– enthu cheyaanaa?

4 Nillkkuka, nilkka, madnguka yeshuvil
Paadalthil veezhuka nee
Ninnullil ulla daivika bandam
Aazhathil urrppikka nee vaikaruthini;-



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