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Aanandamam ie jeevitham
1 aanandamam ie jeevitham thanna
yeshve ennum vaazthidum njaan
ithramaam bhagyam thanna en preya
nandieyodeange vazthidum njaan
enneshueraja en preya natha
kaalaminiyum deerghamano?
ethrayum vegam enneyorukki
cherthidane nin rajyamathil
2 lokameniku onninaalume
yogamalleyen prananatha
kaalamellam thikangille priya
meloke vannu vaaniduvan;-
3 shudhiyilathe ninemunpil nilppan
aarkuesadhikum shudhimane
purnaevishudhi nalkane priyaa
ninne kaanman enneaashayellam;-
4 megharudanay thejassil kanthan
shudhre cherkkan vannidumpol
sadhu njaanum than kudave cherum
moda modennum vaanidume;-

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