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Aaradhana ho aatma se
Aaradhana ho aatma se
aradhna ho sachai se
her ek cheez jis me ho praan
yehowah ki aaradhna kare
1. yehowah rafa wo hai tera changai dene wala
changa kerta hatho se chooker aa tu uske paas
behta uska lahu krus ke tale
aaye jo bhi uske paas deta wo chutkara
2. Yeshowa shaloom wo hai tera shanti dene wala
abdi aashisho se wo bharega tere jeewan ko
mahasaager jaisi badhaoo me kholega dwaar
paap aur shraap honge door yeshu ke lahoo se
3. Yehowah nissi wo hai tera vijai dene wala
shatru tere ghere tujh ko tu na ghabrana
dekh tere saamne prabhu ne de di vijay
chutkara kewal yeshu he me hai

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