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Aarumorasrayam illathirunnapol
Aarumorasrayam illathirunnapol
Neeyente aashraymayithallo (2)
Vazthi pukazthidum nin namathe
Ennum charidum nin marvel ellanalum
Ente daivam nllavan
Avan ennum vallabhan (2)
Snehitharellam maridunneram
Aashrayippan oru thahanunde (2)
Aa nalla snehithan… vakku marathavan (2)
Nin chare enne’ennum ninnidume (2);-
Swargamallathonnumillale nedan
Maya’yam iee bhumi maridume (2)
Kanthanam karthve vannidum neramathil (2)
Kanthanodothu njan payidume (2);-
Rev Johnson Philipose

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