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Aashayonne ange kaanmaan
aashayonne ange kaanmaan
Yeshunaadha nee varane
Ninnil Njanum Cherna Neram
en jeevitham dhanyamaayi
1 Papachettil Veena Enne
Thirumaarvodu Anachavane
Thiru raktham Ennil pakarnnu
Enne Muttumayi Kazhukiyone
Nanniyode Njan Vanangidunne;-
2 swantha bhandhangal kaividumbol
lokarellam maaridilum
thirukripayal cherthidum nathan
mahal snehavum pakarnnidunnon
enne poornamayi samarppikkunne;-
Jishon joy

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