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Aashicha desham kaanaaraayi
aashicha desham kaanaaraayi
pranapriyan varaaraayi
kleshamellaam theeraaraayi
prathyaashayode nilkkaam naam
1 anaadi sneham thannavaneshu
aapathuvelayil kaividukilla
ponkaram netti namme cherthanachidum-neram
aanandathode naam sthothram paadidum;-
2 kahalam dhvanichaal maricha vishuddhar
kaanthanodothu parannupoyidum
aaradhichidaam innu santhoshathode-nammal
nithyathayil karthan kude ennum vaazhume;-
3 shobhithamaakum swarggathil ennum
yugaayugam naam kude vaazhume
iravumilla pinne pakalumilla - thellum
kashdangalo kannuneero avideyilla;-
Poulose Kakkassery

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