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Aathma shakthiye irrangi ennilvaa
Aathma shakthiye,
irrangi ennilvaa
mazhapole pythirangivaa
irrangi ennilvaa
mazhapole pythirangivaa
aathma nadiyaay ozhuki ennileinnu vaa
aathma shakthiyaay ozhuki ennil innu vaa;
mazhapole pythirangivaa (4)
1 penthikkosthu naalileyaa malikamuri
agninaavinaal muzhuvan nirachavane,
agnijvaalapol pilarnnirangivaa
kodunkaattupole veeshi ennilvaa;-
mazhapole pythirangivaa (4)
2 kazhukaneppole chirakadichuyaran
thalarnnupokathe balam dharichoduvan,
kathirikkunnithaa njanum yahove
shakthiye puthukkuvan ente ullilvaa;
mazhapole pythirangivaa (4)
3 eeliyavin yagathil irangiya agniye
mulppadarppil moshamel irangiya agniye,
ente jeevanil niranjirangivaa
oru pravupol parannirangivaa;
mazhapole pythirangivaa (4)
Reji Narayanan

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