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Aathmave unaruka
1 aathmave unaruka
aaradhikkam paramonnathane
sthuthichedam sarva shakthane
dhyanichidam parishuddhane
aaradhikkam sathyathilum
aaradhikkam aathmavilum(2)
unarunaroo unarunaroo
nandhi eekidam(2)
2 avan parishuddhan
avan paramonnathan(2)
vazhthi vanangam nathhane ennum
aaradhichedam nandi chollam(2)
3 avan neethiman
avan loka rakshakan(2)
poorna manassodaradhikkam
hridayam sthuthiyal nirayatte(2)
Asha Pakalomattam

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