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song/hymn lyrics

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Aaya tu jag mai ujiyala bannke


Aaya tu jag mai, ujiyala bannke,
Aaya tu dil mai mere- hallelujah
Shamma jala de, jyoti chamka de,
Dil me prabhu ji mere.

1 Pyasi thi aatma meri, andheri dubi thi,
Chamka jag ka tara jab, bhagya khula hamara thab
Mera Yeshu duniya ko bachane agaya!

2 Bandhan thoda mauth ka, aasha nayi de diya
mujko koi darr nahi, duniya mera ghar nahi
Mera raja ayega le jane mujko

3.Haradam tujhe main bhajoon, bhakti main teree karoon,
Mere lie mara tu, mere lie jeeya tu,
Mere lie tune kurbaanee de diya


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