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Ab thak hame jay dene vale
Ab thak hame jay dene vale prabhu ki jaya ho
Ab thak hame sambalne vale masiha ki jaya ho
Aage fi krupa se chalana hame
Aage fi chalane their icha se..
Kud se nahi prabhu ne chalaya hame
Jo prapth kiye ham prabhu ki dene hi to he
Chalaye huve rastho ke yad kare tho
Dhanyavath se prabhu ki ham sthuthi gaayemge
Berbad krega kahkar shathru jeb thumse ledo
Aaur deraye ki their unnathi na hogi
Kamom mem sveshrest yesu mahan
Krupa dega jaya geeth gane keliye;-
Sari aashavo jeb hamari dud jaye
Sare bendujen hamse jeb dur ho jaye
Premi parameswar thera udaar kare
Satre kamom me thuje jayavanth kare

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