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Anyonyam snehikuvin ningal
Anyonyam snehikuvin ningal
Anyonyam snehikuvin (2)
Snehichu jeevan thannaven kristhu
Snehamay othunnitha
Anyar than dhukathil panku’cherneedanam
Aardratha katteedanam(2)
Ullathil panku naam agathikalkayi
Arinju nalkenam madichidathe(2)
Daivathin mahal’sneham ullil’lullorarum
Aarodum kopikilla(2)
Ellaam sahikkuvaan kshemicheeduvan
Shreeyeshu nammalodothiyallo(2)
Ayalkare nammal snehikathengane
Daivatthe snehicheedum(2)
Kristhuvin thazma naam dharichedenam
Eliyavare naam maanikenam(2)

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