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Asaivaadum Aaviye Thuimaiyi


Asaivaadum Aaviye
Thuimaiyin Aaviye
Idam Asaiye Ullam Niramba
Irangi Varumea

1 Belanadaiye Nirappidumea Belathin Aaviyea
Ganamadaiye Uuttridumea Nyanatthin Aaviyea

2 Theatridumey Ullangalai Yesuvin Naamathinaal
Aatdridumey Kaayangalai Abhishega Thailathinaal

3 Thudaithidumea Kannirellam
Kirubaiyin Potkaratthaal
Nirappidumea Ananthatthaal Magilvudan Thuthitidavea


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