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Athirukal illaatha sneham
Athirukal illaatha sneham
Daiwa sneham nithya sneham
Alavukal illaatha sneham
Daiwa sneham nithya sneham
Yaathoru avyavas-thakalum
Illaathey snehikkum thaathanu nandi
Daivathey njaan mara nnaalum
Aa snehathil ninnaka nnaalum
Anukam baardra maam hrudayam eppozhum
Enikkaai thutichi tunnoo
Enney omana yaai karuthunnoo
Amma enney mara nnaalum ah
Snehathil ninna kannaalum
Aja ganan gangaley kaathi tunnavan
Enikkaai thiran jitunnu
Enney omana yaai karu thunnu

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