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song/hymn lyrics

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Athma priyane bega banniri


Athma priyane bega banniri

Nanna hrudaya thumba banniri

Dewwava bidisi rogava neeguva

Balave baraiya

Balaheena neegisi baladinda thumbuva shakthane baraiya

Santhaisuvathane parishudha athmane egale baraiya

Preethiya needi chaitanya golisuva

Athmane baraiya

Varagala thandu bala belaguva

Athmane baraiya

Phalagala needi gayava kattuva

Karuneye baraiya

Swabava badalisi kopava neeguva

Shanthane baraiya

Papava tholedu parishudha golisuva

Paramane baraiya


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