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Athumamey En Mulu Ullamey


Athumamey En Mulu Ullamey - Un
Andavarai Tholutheythu – Innal Varai
Anbu Vaithatharitha – Un
Andavarai Tholutheythu

1 Potridum Vanoor - Bhuthalathulor
Satruthar Karia Thanmaiulla

2 Thalaimurai Thalaimurai Thangum Vinotha
Ullga Munn Thondri Oliyatha

3 Thinam Thinam Ullagil Nee Seipalavana
Vinai Porutha rulum Melana

4 Vathai Noii Thunbam Matri Anantha
Otharum Thayai Sei Thuyir Thantha

5 Uttrunak Kirangi Urimai Paratum
Mutrum Kirubaiyinal Mudi Sootum

6 Thuthi Miguntheyera Thothari Thinamey
Idhayamey Ullamey En Manamey


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