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Bharam chumapore advanipore
1 bharam chumappore addhvaanippore
yeshuvin paadathil vannanayuvin
bhaaram dukhamellaam manjupokume
aashvasam nalkidaan thaan vilikkunnu
vaa-vanneedin vaa-en paadathil
en nukameduthe ennode padhichee-daan njaan
saumyathayulla...van, thaazhmayullavan
en nukam mrduvallo bhaaram laghuvum
2 pachamechilil naam menjiduvanaay
nishchalajalam naam kudichiduvaan
ksheenam mari kshanam than savidhathil
aashvasippanaayi aagamikkuvin;- vaa...
3 innu kaanum lokam manjupokume
melilulla geham vannu cherume
kannuneerum dukham illaatha veettil
ethuvanay vegam vannu kooduvin;- vaa...
Mathew P Thomas

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