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Daivakrupayil njaan aashrayiche
Daivakrupayil njaan aashrayiche
Avan vazikale njaan arinje
Anugamichidum avnude chuvadukale
1 iha lokamo tharikilloru
sukhavum manashanthiyathum
ente yeshuvinte thiru sannidhiyil
ennum aanandam undenikke;-
2 Manovedana pla shodhana
mama jeevitha pathayathil
maratheridumpol aathma nathanavan
marvel chari njan ashvasikkum;-
3 ethra nallavan mathiyayavan
enne karuthunna karthanavan
ente aawashyangkal ellam aringidunna
ettam adutha sahayakan than;-
4 ente aayussin dinmokkeyum
thante nama mahatwathinay
oru kaithripol kathiyernigorikkal
thirumarvil marangidum njan;-
Charls John

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