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Daivam ezhunnelkkunnu
1 Daivam ezhunnelkkunnu
Makkalkkay irangeedunnu
Palavidhamam prethikoolangal
Palavazhiyay chithareedunnu
tholkkilla nammal
jayaveerar nammal
Daivathin makkal nammal
2 sathyam arakkacha aakkuka
Neethiye kavachamakkuka
Viswasam parichayakkuka
Rakshaye shirasthramakkuka
3 vachanamenna vaaledukkuka
vishudhiye dharichu kolluka
bhoomiyin attatholam
suvishesham khoshikkuka
4 vishwasa’pporanithu
thalarathe munneranam
porattam jayichidumbol
prethibhalam praapikkum naam
R S Vijayaraj

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