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Daivathal asaddhyamayathonnum illallo
1 daivathal asaddhyamayathonnum illallo
yahovaykku kazhiyatha karyamillallo
yeshuvinte namathal saukhyamundallo
yeshuvinte rakthathal jayamundallo
vishvasichal daivathinte mahathvam kanaam
prarthikkumpol daivathinte pravaththi kaanaam
aaradhichal daivathinte viduthal kanaam
aashrayichal daivathinte karuthal kaanaam
2 abraham yahovayil vishvasichappol
daivam athu neethikkaayi kanakkittallo(2)
athimahathaya prathiphalam koduthu
bhahu jathikalkku pithavakki therthallo(2)
3 yisahakkin prarthanaykku marupadiyaay
nurumeni nalki daivam anugrahichu(2)
vagdathangal niravetti paripalichu
thalamurakal nalki anugrahichu(2)
4 yakkobum daivathe aaradhichappol
yahovaykku thakka mahathvam koduthappol(2)
yabokkenna kadavil anugrahamay
yisrayel enna bahumanam labhichu(2)
Wilson Chennanattil

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