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Daivathinte sampathaanu naam
Daivathinte sampathaanu naam
Thiru raktham kondu veendetutha naam
Daiva naama mahathwamaay
Daiva raajyam paaril parilasikkaan
Thirenjetuthu thante rak_thathaal
Thikaverum thiru pramaanangalkkaay
Thiru vachanam ariyichitaan
Thriyeka daivathin sampathaakaan
Aa thriyeka daivathin sampathaakaan
Thiru hithathaal namme dathetuthu
Thiru mahathwathin pukazhchakkaayi
Thiru snehathil mun niyamichathaal
Thiru sabhayaakum sampathaakum
Naam thiru sabhayaakum sampathaakum

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