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Davidu sthuthipadi iyobu sthuthi


davidu sthuthipadi iyobu sthuthi cheythu
snehikkum daivam than bhaktharayavare
aapethennalla rogam ethume vannalum
iyobinepole bhaktharavuka naam(2)

anudinam vinakal vannakilum
karthanunde aashrayamaay
maruthu chollaruthe than shakthiye
anthyakaalam vare
thirukarathal anugrahangal
metharamayathe choriyunnu daivam;- davidu...

adipathararuthe moha bhamngngal
vannidum neramathil durithapurnnamatho
pathayengkil karthavinodarppikkuke
daivakrpayo nethimanmaril
sulabhamay varshikkume nijam;- davidu...


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