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Deva krupeyu shashvathavu
Deva krupayu Shasvathavu
Athan krupayu Shasvathavu
Athana hogali Sthusi hadi
Halleluiah endarbatisu
Ikkatinallu Naashavagadhe
Karthanu thane kayuthiruva
Atha olleva Atha vallaba
Athan krupayu Shasvathavu
Shathru sene Muthikondarru
Bhaktha Daavidhana Deva namage
Munde hoguva Atha olleva
Athan krupayu Shasvathavu
Agni Shodane nunga bandharu
Mullina gidadolu thoridha dheva
Kadhu nadesuva Atha olleva
Athan krupayu Shasvathavu

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