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Deveshaa adhikamaay
Devesha, adhikamay aashirvadikka-vadhu’vararivare-mahesha,
Kuthukamaay onnaay vasippan innumuthal thudare
1 Aadamum havvayum chernnu-sammodam Edanilannu
Athupol aadhikal theernnu-vasippaan;-
2 Prathyasha, sneham, vishwasam ivayal
Nithyam aashwasam-labhichu kristhuvil vasam cheythidan;-
3 Yehove sevikkum njanen-kudumba
Sahithamanyunam-ennaruli yoshwa’ennonam-vasippaan;-
T K Samuel, Elanthur

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