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Duniya ka dera chodkar


Duniya ka dera chodkar
Ek din pahunchunga mai anant ghar
Gaunga khushise vaham jaygaan
Kleshon par jayvant hokar

1. Duniya ki sukh na chahu
Daulat ki sapna chahu
Jana mujhe hai yeshuke kadmo par ..(2)
Sarwaswa karta tujhe arpan
Jag ke bhi datha hai prabhu ..(2)

2. Nafrat se mere apne
Mujhe apna muh mode
Tukrate mujhko bhedonki tarah ..(2)
Apne prabhu ki baho me
Jaldi hi rahunga mai harpal ..(2)

3. darti aur sari srishti
nichye us din badlegi
hoga prabu se jab mera milan
javumga panchi ke saman udkar
hogaa mahima mem rupanthar


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