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Eettavum nallathellaam
Eettavum nallathellaam mun karuthunna
Ethrayo Nallavanaaneshu Rakshakan
Pinthudarnnidaam thante paathayil
Pinnottu nokkidaathe krooshin paathayil
1 Koode aarumille ninte yaathrayil?
Pedi venda Naathan koodeyundallo!
Vedinjeeduka ninte loka impangal
Vishudharaay vasicheeduka Seeyon yaathrayil
2 Akkaraykku pokaan aajna nalkiya
Aathma Naathan Yeshy koode undennum
Olangalum van-thiramaala vannaalum
Odeedaam dhairyamaay Krooshin paathayil
3 Lotthin bhaarya pole nokki nilkkalle
Kootthukaazhchayaay bhavichu thakarnnupokume
Pingamicheedaam naam Naathan paathayil
Pinnilullathokke marannu nere odidaam
4 Daiva vachanam ennum nammalkkaashrayam
Paavanamaay kaatthidum namme ennennum
Anusarichidaam poornna hrudayamodennum
Anugamichidaam Than vachana velichatthil

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