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song/hymn lyrics

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El Shaddai nanna jothe neene


El Shaddai nanna jothe neene

Nanna baalina koteyu

Yenella adhbutha nanna baalali maadidhe

Nanna baalina bala neene

Munjaneyelli krupeya surusidha

Krupege sthothravu

Ninna nama nanage priya

Ninna hasthave ashraya

Idhuvaregu kaadhu nadesidha

Yebenesare sthothra

Yella dhinavu jotheyalliruva

Immanuvelane sthothravu

Yehova Rapha yella dhinavu

Nanna parihari

Yella dhinavu jayava koduva

Yehova nissiye sthothravu

Yehova yeere nanna agathyava

Nodi kolveere

Nanna baalina samadhanave

Yehova shalom sthothravu


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