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Ella prathikulangalum marum
1 Ella prathi-koolangalum maarum
Shubha dhinam aagathamakum
Thalarathae ninnaal patharathae ninnal
Lajji’chu pokayilla naam lajji’chu pokayilla
2 Onnum’illaymayilum
Ellam ullavanae pol
Ennae nadathunnavan
Ennu’mennum kude’yullavan
3 Vaathilukal adayumbol
Chenkadal pilarnn’athupol
Ennae nada’thunnavan
Ennu’mennum kude’yullavan
4 Aarum’illathae’kanakumbol
Enne nadathunnavan
Ennu’mennum kude’yullavan

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