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Ellaa mahathvavum yeshu
1 ellaa mahathvavum yeshu naathane
ellaa pukazhchayum raajaraajane
sthuthiyum bahumanavum sveekarippaan
yogyanaam yeshuve nee mathram ennum
yeshuve nee en praananaayakan
yeshuve nee en saukhyadaayakan
yeshuve nee en eeka rakshakan
yeshuve nee maathram aashrayam
2 aadiyum anthavum neeyaaneshuve
nithya prakaasham neeyaanennume
aazhamaam snehavum nee pakarnnu
danamaay rakshayum eekidume
3 bhoomi maridum nin vaakku maarrilla
vanam nengidum nin daya neengilla
neeridum manassin vedanakal maatti nee
maarvvathil cherkkumenne

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