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Ellaa prashamsakkum yogyan neeye
ellaa prashamsakkum yogyan neeye
ellaa pukazhchakkum yogyan neeye
ellaattinum meethe uyarnnavane
ellaattilum sarvvajnjaniyume
nee mathram enneshuve
nee mathram ennennum aaradhyane
nee mathram ennennum aashvasame
nee mathram ennennum aashrayame... yeshuve
krushil en perkkayi marichavane
kruramam peedakalettavane
krushilum snehathe pakarnnavane
nithyamam snehathin uravidame..
nee mathram enneshuve
nee en aashvasam nee en aashrayavum
nin karuthal en vishvasavum
nee en santhosham nee en sangkethavum
njan aashrayikkunna nee yajamananum
Tom P Thomas

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