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song/hymn lyrics

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Ellaam daivam nanmayaay cheythu


ellaam daivam nanmayaay cheythu
ethrayo albhuthame
enniyaal theeraatha nanmakal thannathe
ethrayo aashcharyame (2)

kankal niranjappol
hridayam thakarnnappol
koottinaay vanneshuve
ange marannengum pokilla
marillen jeevan pokum vare

kaanthan varavorthu naalukalerayay
kathirinneedunnu njaan
parile kashdangal saramillennenni
kathorthirikkunnu njaan;- kankal-ellaam

vathil adanjappol vazhikal thadanjappol
puthu vazhi thurannavane
doshamaayonnum cheyyatha yeshuve
kleshippanonnumilla;- kankal-ellaam

Mohan Kanjiramannil


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