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Ellaam nanmaikkaye swarga thaathan
Ellaam nanmai'kkaye
Swarga thaathan cheitheedunnu
Nirnayamaam vili kettavarkkum
Deivathin sneham arinjavarkkum
1. Bhaarangalum prayaasangalum
rogangalum ellaa dhukhangalum
yente thaathan thanneedumpol
enneyavan snehikkunnu;-
2. Prathikoolangal eariyennaal
anukoolamaai Yesuvundu
patharukilla... thalarukilla
Swarga seeyonil ethum vare;-
3. Kashtathayo sankatamo
Pattinio parihaasangalo
Yesuvin snehathil ninnakattaan
Ivayilonnium sadhyamalla;-

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