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Ellaam nanmakku enikellam
Ellaam nanmekku, enikkellaam nanmekku,
Enneshu cheyyunnavayonnum thinmekkallallo (2)
Baabilonil theechoolayil karthaavinte daasanmaar
Theechoolayil vannethiya karthaavine kandethi
Simhakkoottil daniyel bandhanaayi theernnappol
Simha rajan maunamaayi simhakkoottil vannethi
Sthephanetta kallukal swargathe thurappichu
Kallerukal avane swargathil kondethichu
Pathmos dweepil yohannaan ekanayi theernnappol
Karthavine darshichavan marmangale prapichu
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