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En aasha yeshuvil thanne


1 En aasha yeshuvil thanne
Than neethi rekthathil maathram
Njan nambilla mattonniney
Yen yesu mathram saranam

Paarayam Kristhanmel nilppen
Verum manal mattulledom

2 Kaarmeghangal andhakaaram
Marackumbol thirumugham
Maaraathathaam than krupayil
Urappoden aasrayamey;- para…

3 Kallolajaalam pongatte
Nallaasa yenna namkooram
Ittittundu marackullil
Ottum bhayappedunnilla;- para…

4 Tha¬n raktham vaakkudampadi
En thaangayundu pralayey
Ennaalmanum thaane thuna
Annyasrayangal poayalum;- para…

5 Kaahalathoadey than vannu
Simhasanathil irikke
Than neethimaathram dharichu
Mun nilkum njan kuttamenny;- para…


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