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En perkkaay jeevane thanna enneshuve
1 En perkkaay jeevane thanna enneshuve
ennullam thullunnu nin sneham orkkumpol
Paapiyaam enneyum snehippaan nathhane
Yathoru nanmayum illa jeevithathil
2 Krooshil chorinjaenin rakthathaal enneyum
Shudheekarichu Nin Sannidhe nirthuvaan
Maalinyam neekki nin maarvoedanachallo
Kaalkale paarameal susthiraemaakki Nee
3 Dukham prayaaesangkal oro divasavum
Van thira polenmel aanjadiechedumbol
Lokam tharaethatham santhosham thannu Nee
Maarvoedanachenne thangkai nadathunnu
4 Aashvaasham illaatha ie maruvasathe
Ethra naal thalli njaan neekkanam preyaney
Prathyaashaeerunnen priyane kaanuvaan
Pon karathaal ente kanneer thudachidaan
5 Vishvasha naadine doorave kanunnu
Vishramam prapippaan hrithadam vembunnu
Kahala shabdamen kathu shravikkunnu
Aamen karthavey Nee veagam varename
yeshuvin snehathaal ennullam : enna reethi

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