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Enikkay chinthi nin raktham
Enikkay chinthi nin raktham
Illithaltathoru nyayam
Eppoazhum nin vily oarthu
Dhevattinkutty varunnen
Vividha samsayangalal
Vichaara poaraathangalal
Vipathil akappettu njan
Dhevattinkutty varunnen
Dhardrarishtan kuruden
Dhanasaukhyangal kaazhchayum
Dhanamai ningal labhippan
Dhevattinkutty varunnen
Enne nee kaikkondeedumo
Enpizha poakki rekshikkum
Ennallo nin vaghdhathavum
Dhevattinkutty varunnen
Agocharamaam nin sheham
Agadha prayaasam theerthu
Ayyo nintey nintethavaan
Dhevattinkutty varunnen
Aa swaira snchathin neelam
Aazham uyaram veethiyum
Dhevattinkutty varunnen

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