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Ennathikramam nimiththam murivettavane
Ennathikramam nimiththam murivettavane
Ennakrithyam nimitham thakarnnone
Enikkayi raksha nalkiyone
Enne veendeduthavane
Ninakkay njaanennennum jeevikkum (2)
1 Arukkappetta kunjaadine poleyannu
Ente paapa chumadumaayi nee baliyaayi (2)
Enne veendeduthathaal puthu srushttiyaakkiyathaal
Ninakkay njaanennennum jeevikkum (2)
2 Thiranjetuthu janathile shreshttar-odiruthi
Ninte ishttam cheyyuvannay niyamichavane (2)
Ninte seva cheyyuvaan vishishta vela cheyyuvan
Ninakkay njaanennennum jeevikkum (2)
Heart Beats

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