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Enne kanum en yeshuve
Enne kanum en yeshuve
Enne ariyum en priya karthave
Ennil nirayum nin snehathal
Enne nin paithalakkiyallo
1 Nin mahathvam darshikkumpol
en thazhchaye njaan kandidunnu
ha ethra bhagyam iee jeevitham
appa nin sannidhi ethra sukham;-
2 nin poornatha dharshikkumpol
en shoonyatha njan kandidunnu
ha ethra bhagyam iee jeevitham
appaa nin sannidhi ethra sukham;-
3 nin vishudhi darshikkumpol
en ashudhi njaan kandidunnu
ha ethra bhaagyam iee jeevitham
appaa nin sannidhi ethra sukham;-
R S Vijayaraj
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