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Enne karuthuvan kakkuvan palippan
enne karuthuvan
kakkuvaan palippan yeshu
ennum mathiyayaven
1 varum aapathil nal thuna thaan
perum thapathil nal thanal thaan
irul mudumen jeevithaepathayilum
tharum velichavum abayavvum than;-
2 marthyararilum njaan sahayam
thellum thedukilla nishchayam
jeevaenaalellam nadathidume;-
3 ente bharangal than chumalil
vachu njaaninnu vishramikkum
dukhavelayilum puthu geethangal njaan
4 oru sanyamenikkethire
varumennalum njaan bhramikka
thiruechirakukalal aven marykkumathal-
oruedoshavum enkku vara;-
5 vinnil vasa sthalam orukki
varum pranapriyan viravil
annu njaaneaven maril maranjidume
kanner purnamayi thornnidume;-
George Peter

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