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Enne kazhukenam shreyeshu devaa
1 Enne kazhukenam shreyeshu devaa-ennaal
minnum himathekkaal njaan venmayaakum
2 ninnodadiyan maha papam cheythe-ninte
kannin mun dosham cheythayyo pizhache;-
3 papacheḷiyil venu njaan kuzhanja-anu
thapathodeshuve njaan vannidunne;-
4 padathil vena sarvva papikalkkum-neya
modam nalkiyathorthitha varunnen;-
5 papa shuddhikkay thurannoruravil-maha
papi vishvasichippoḷ mungkidunne;-
6 davedin kanmasham kshamichavane-ente
sarvva papangkalum kshamikkename;-
7 rakthambaram polulla ente papangkal-thiru
raktham mulam venmayakkedene;-
8 ullam nonthu kalangki njaan varunne-ente
thallayil nallavane thallidalle;-
Tune of Swantham ninakkini njaan
P M Kochukuru

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