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Enne nithyathayodu adupikunna
enne nithyathayodu aduppikkunna
ellaa anubhavangalkkum nandi
enne nalla shishyanaakkidunna
ellaa kurishukalkkum naathaa nandi
ellaa tholvikalkkum naathaa nandi
ninte mukham kaanuvaan
athu nimiththamaayi
ellaa kannuneerinum naathaa nandi
ninte sanniddhyamariyaan idayaayi
thaazhvarayil mullukalil panineer poopol
shodhanayin choolayathil ponnu pole
uyarchayilum thaazchayilum
maranathilum jeevanilum
nin sanniddhyam mathi
naathaa nin sanniddhyam mathi
Belsson Memana

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