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Enne veendeduthavan ente
1 enne veendeduthavan ente rakshayayavan
enne peru cholli vilichavane
daavedum koottarum pettakathin munpil
nritham cheythaaraadhichathupol
njaan paadum njaanaarkkum njaan’aanandicheedum
en karthavin naamathil nritham cheyyum
2 ottakkalathile lakshyathilethidaan
munpe odiduka patharaathe
pinpilullathokkeyum marannupoyiduka
prathiphalam labhicheedum nishchayamaayum
sodaraa neeyum orungeeduka
sodaree neeyum orungeeduka;-
3 manavaalan vannidum aarppuvili kettidum
kaalangal aduthallo orungeeduka
priyante maninaadam kaathukalil kelkkunnu
theliyikkoo vilakkukal ennayode
sodaraa neeyum orungeeduka
sodaree neeyum orungeeduka;-

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