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Enperkai jeevan vedinja en prana
En perkai jeevan vedinja
En pranapriyanakum Yeshuve
Nin snehathe njan oorthidumthorum
En manasam nandiyal pongunne
En veendeduppin vila koduppan
Nee mathra’malla’tharullesuve
Nin karuniyathin mahathmyathe njan
Sada kalavum pukaztheedume
Peyin balathey thakartha thinaal
En marana bhayam nee neekkiyallo
Nin Calvariyil thiru baliyaal
Seeyon margavum thurannenikkaai
Nin snehathaal njaan jwalichiduvaan
Shudhaath’maavinaal nirachavane
Anu’dinavum jaya jeevitham
Nayichituvaan krupa arulka
Priyan poyathaam paathe pokuvaan
Divya viliyaal vilichavana
Dinam thorurm in thiru chirakil
Atiyaney nee marchituka
Nin perkkai jeevan tharuvaan
Athyaasha ennil earunnaeshuva
Prathyashaýode nin pon mukhathe
Veekshi’chidaenam enn’aasha athe

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