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Ente aashrayam yeshuvilaane
ente aashrayam yeshuvilaane
ente aashrayam yeshuvil maathram
avan nadathum kai pidiche
avan nadathuvan shakthanaam(2)
avanklekku nokkiyavar
prakashitharay theernnappol(2)
avarude mukham lajichilla
avarude aashrayam yeshuvil(2)
neethimante praarthanakal
shraddhavechu kettidum(2)
avanil thanne vishvasikku
avan atha nivarthikkum(2)
koorirulin thaazhvarayil
njaan nadannaal bhayappedilla(2)
avan nadathum anthyatholam
avan enikkaayi karuthidum(2)
manushyanil njaan aashrayikkilla
prabhukkanmarilum aashrayikkilla(2)
ente aashrayam yeshuvil mathram
avan ennum enne nadathidum(2)
Asha Vilayil

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