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Ente aashrayam yeshuvilam
ente aasrayameshuvilam
enikkenum elaamavanam
santhapathilum enthapathilum
santhathavumen sankethamavan (2)
1 enne nadathunna than kripayal
ennum karuthunnu than karathaal
inale innum ennum ananyan
yeshu enikku ethra nallavan - ente..
2 ullam thakarnu thalarneedumbol
oota sodarar akaneedumbol
etamadutha nalla thunayaay
mutum eniken yeshuvundalo - ente...
3 enne oru naaLum kaividilla
enna vagdathamundenikke
bhayappedilla bhramikkayilla
bhaviyorthu njaan bharappedilla
3 ente naalukal theernoduvil
ethum swargeeya bhavanamathil
anthyam vareyum karthan vayalil
adhwanikum njan visramamenye - ente...
Charles John

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