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song/hymn lyrics

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Ente daivam valiyadaivam


nte daivam valiyadaivam
vankaaryam jeevithathil cheythedume(2)
shathrukkal munpake mesha orukkum
pakaykkunnor munpake thala uyarthum (2)

1 karuthidunnu nadathidunnu dinavum
thalarathe marubhoomiyil
athbhuthangal cheytha karthaavine
sthothraganam padi uyarthidaam(2);- ente...

2 bhayappededa bhramichidendaa
vagdatham nalkiya daivamallayo
ellaa prathikoolangalum marunnu
vagdatham onnonnayi niraverunnu(2);- ente...


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