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song/hymn lyrics

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Ente daivamaya rajave thiru namam


Ente daivamaya rajave
thiru namam vazhthidum(2)

nin mahima agocharame
nin kriyakalum athbhuthame
nin krupakale dhyanichedum
nin mahimaye varnnichidum

ninte nethiye ghoshichedum
ninte nanmaye ormmichidum

1 mahaa karunayum krpayumullon
derghakshamayum dayayum ullon
nithya raajathvam ninakkullathe
aadhipathyavum nintethallo;-

2 sathyamaay thanne vilichidumpol
nithya jeevan thaan arulidume
thanne snehikkum evareyum
dayayaalavan paripaalikkum;-


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