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Ente saukhyam ange ishdame
Ente saukhyam ange ishtame
Thiruhitham ennil poornamaakatte
En yeshuve thrippaadangalil
Sampoornamaay ippol samarppikkunne
1 Saukhyanadhi ennilekkozhukidatte
Saukhyam nalkum aazhiyil njaan muzhukidatte
2 Krooshile ninam ennil ozhukidatte
Sirakalilozhuki jeevan nalkatte
3 Adippinarin shakthi ennil pathiyatte
Rogathinte verellaame atumaarratte
4 Srishtikkunna shabdam ennil muzhangidatte
Ennil vendathellaam uruvaakatte
R S Vijayaraj

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