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Enthekum njan eezhakku
enthekum njan eezhakku nee
eekiya nanma orthaal
nandiyulla ullamode
nalellaam keerthichedum njan
padidunne halleluyyaa
vazhthidunne varnnikkunne
vallabhaa nin thrippadathil
veenu njan kumpidunne
2 enneyum nee veendeduthu
ennalum nin svantham njaan
onninaalum verpedilla
orunalum kaividilla;-
3 snehichuvo enneyum nee
nin thirujeevan eeki
nisthulamaam nin snehathe
nithyavum orthidum njaan;-
4 sarvvavum njan arppikkunne
sarvvesha nin padathil
santhoshavum sangkethavum
sampathum ellaam neeye;-

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