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Enthulloo njaan enneshuve
Enthulloo njaan enneshuve
Nin sneham anubhavikkaan
Nin kaarunyam ee paapiyennil
1 Lokathe njaanetam snehichappol
Ethrayo dukhichu nee
Ennittum snehichenne
Pokilla, njaan pokilla njaan
Paapathin pinpe ini
Snehikkum ninne maathram
Hallelujah hallelujah
2 Lokathin jnaanathe lajjippikkaan
Bhoshanaam enneyum nin
Paathramaay maatiyallo
Balaheenanaam ennilum nin
Abhishekam pakarnnuvallo
Sreshtanaay maatiyallo
Hallelujah hallelujah
R S Vijayaraj
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