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song/hymn lyrics

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Eshtondu krupe


Eshtondu krupeyannu neediruve

Hege na sthuthisuvenu

Indhu Hege na sthuthisuvenu -2

Sthothra raja (8)

Karadalli hididu kanmaniyanthe

Kalavella kapadide

Deenanaagidde daye thoride nee

Devane sthuthisuvenu

Balaheenanendu nanna thallade

Bala needi kadiruve

Papada kesaru mulugi na hode

Meletti kapadidhe

Nanagagi ninna jeevava kotte

Nanagagi baraliruve

Etthanai nanmaigal enaku seitheer

Eppadi nantri solven – naan

Nantri raja (8)


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